Home Collection Facility
Booking Timings: From 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM (Prior day booking)
Sample Collection Timings: From 7:15 AM to 12:30 P M
For Appointments call: 080-23100735 / 23100738.
Reports: Can be collected through website www.padmashree.in
- User ID
- Password
Will be provided in the Receipt.
Important Note for collecting Blood & Urine:
- For Fasting Blood sugar, Patient should be in empty stomach (Overnight fasting for at least 10-12 hours preferable, No coffee, tea or milk except water).
- After giving the fasting blood sample, have regular breakfast.
- The second blood sample (postprandial blood) should be given between 1 1/2 – 2 hrs after having. breakfast, the timings will be provided by the phlebotomist.
- Please adhere to the timings mentioned by the phlebotomist.
Urine Culture & Sensitivity:
- Kindly give a clean catch Mid-stream urine(pass initial small amount of urine into the toilet & then collect the mid stream urine to the sterile container).