Health Packages
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Differential Count
- Peripheral Smear
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Test
- Total Protein
- Albumin
- Alb/Globulin ratio
- Total Bilirubin
- Direct Bilirubin
- Indirect Bilirubin
- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT / SGPT)
- Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST / SGOT)
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
- Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
- Renal Profile
- Creatinine
- Bun
- Urea
- Uric acid
- Total protein
- Albumin
- Globulin
- Urine Routine
- Serum Calcium
- Elecrtolytes
- Thyroid stimulating Hormone( TSH)
- HBsAg
- HbA1C
- Blood grouping & RH Typing
- Serum phosphorous
- Other Tests
- X-Ray Chest
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen and Pelvis
- Cardiac Profile
- Cardiac Stress Analysis (TMT)
- Gender Specific
- Men : PSA
- Women : Pap Smear
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Consultation With
- Physician
- Gynecologist
- Ophthalmologist
- Dietitian
- Consultation with
- Cardiologist
- F.B.S.
- Hb%
- Lipid Profile
- Creatinine
- pottassium
- Urine routine
- Consultation With
- Cardiologist
- Dietitian
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Lipid Profile
- Urea & Creatinine
- Electrolytes
- HbAl C
- Urine Micro Albumin
- Consultation With
- Diabetologist
- Ophthalmologist
- Dietitian
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Lipid Profile
- Liver Function Test
- Urea
- Creatinine
- Uric Acid
- HBsAg
- Serum calcium
- Urine Routine
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen & Pelvis
- Consultation With
- Physician
- Ophthalmologist
- Dietician
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Lipid Profile
- Pap smear-LBC Method
- Urine routine
- Serum calcium
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen and pelvis
- Consultation With
- Gynecologist
- Dietitian
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Lipid Profile
- Pap smear-LBC Method
- Urine routine
- Serum calcium
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen and pelvis
- Mammography
- Bone Densitometry(Single region)
- Consultation With
- Gynecologist
- Dietitian
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Post prandial Insulin level
- Thyroid stimulating Hormone( TSH)
- Prolactin
- Follicle stimulating Hormone(FSH)
- Lutenizing Hormone(LH)
- Testosterone
- Sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG)
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen and pelvis
- Albumin
- Lipid Profile
- Consultation With
- Gynecologist
- Dietitian
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Complete Haemogram
- Post prandial Insulin level
- HbA1c
- Lipid profile
- Thyroid stimulating Hormone( TSH)
- Prolactin
- Follicle stimulating Hormone(FSH)
- Lutenizing Hormone(LH)
- Total vitamin D
- Testosterone
- Free Testosterone
- Sex hormone binding globulin(SHBG)
- Albumin
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen and pelvis
- Consultation With
- Gynecologist
- Dietitian
- Complete Haemogram
- C-Reactive protein
- Creatinine
- Liver Function Test
- Ra Factor
- Uric acid
- Consultation With
- Rheumatologist
- Complete Haemogram
- C-Reactive protein
- Creatinine
- Liver Function Test
- Ra Factor
- Uric acid
- Vitamin- D
- Consultation With
- Rheumatologist
- Female
- Complete Blood Count
- Blood Grouping and typing
- HBsAg
- F.B.S. & P.P.B.S.
- Rubella IgG
- Ultrasound Scan-Abdomen & Pelvis
- Male
- Semen Analysis
- Consultation With
- Gynecologist
Patient Instructions in the Health checkup packages:
For all health checkup packages, you should report in the morning on an empty stomach (Overnight fasting for at least 10-12 hours preferable, No coffee, tea or milk except water).
After giving the fasting blood sample, have regular breakfast. The second blood sample (postprandial blood) should be given between 1 1/2 – 2 hrs after having breakfast.
The remaining tests are as follows:
- X-ray, Ultrasound Scanning – Ground floor
- ECG,ECHO,TMT, PPBS, PFT (only in the evening) – 1st Floor
- For Ultrasound scanning, bladder should be full.
- Fix an appointment with Physician, Dietitian, Ophthalmologist (Eye) for consultations.
Special Instructions:
- If package includes TMT, the patient should not take BP tablets on the day of the test & male patients should remove their chest hair.
- Bring all your previous reports,if any while coming for consultation.